Meat & Meat Substitutes


1. The edible parts of animals, as used and consumed for food

Sausages; Beef; Pork; Chicken; Turkey; Fish; Seafood (Prawns; Crab; Lobster); Casings

/mēt/ suhb-sti-toot, -tyoot/

2. A meat substitute or analogue, is a food product, often plant based, that approximates the aesthetic qualities and characteristics of certain types of meat. A food made from vegetable matter, that has been processed to taste and look like another food, such as meat.

Meat Substitutes may be based upon legumes; fruit; vegetables ; Surimi


Prime Ingredients offers a wide range of flavors and color systems which can be used for enhancing meat products and meat alternative products. The savory flavor range is widely used. We have flavors which can provide and add all of the meat and seafood notes to a product, such as beef, chicken and pork, and various seafood flavors and combinations.

In addition to these primary tastes, the additional characteristics, which truly define a cooked meat, such as roasted, grilled, smokey or fried, are also available to use alone or in combination, to really create the sensation and experience of enjoying a carefully and properly prepared and seasoned meat or seafood.

As the market for meat alternatives and substitutes continues to grow, these products are often made more consumer friendly (and meat competitive) through the use of the proper coloring and flavor systems. These systems can be tailor-made in order to give your final product all of the flavors, appearance and subtleties you require.